Event RSVP

Event Information

Gator Talks - Standardized Testing

Hosted by: Tampa Gator Club and UF College of Education

Event Description

Join us to connect with fellow Gators and gain insight into one of the most hotly debated topics in public education: standardized testing.

In addition to hors d’oeuvres and Gator camaraderie, representatives from the UF College of Education and Hillsborough County Public Schools will weigh-in on the circumstances surrounding, and consequences of standardized testing in schools.

UF College of Education Representatives: Dorene Ross and Sevan Terzian

Gator Alumnae and Hillsborough County Public Schools Representatives: Melissa Snively (board member) and Angelique Xenick (supervisor, high school guidance services)

Additional Information


RSVP Expired


Tuesday March 08, 2016 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM


The Rusty Pelican

2425 N. Rocky Point Drive
Tampa, FL 33607

Event Contacts

Lindsey Farah at lfarah@ufalumni.ufl.edu
or Shirley Lynn at slynn@ufalumni.ufl.edu

Event Cost


RSVP Deadline

Tuesday March 08, 2016 at 9:00 AM

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