Page 44 - UF Class of 2016 F Book

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The Orange Peel
Orange Peel
came to
life as a literary journal and
evolved into one of the premier
collegiate humor magazines
in the United States. The
Orange Peel
began its life as
Florida Review
, a quarterly
magazine founded by the
Farr Literary Society in 1931.
The magazine was made up
of student submissions and
funded through student fees and
advertising. Each new editor
brought his or her own vision to
the magazine, and eventually the format
was changed to a humor magazine. The
name was changed
in 1941 to the
Orange Peel
Orange Peel
was regarded for its
campus satire, including stories, jokes
and original comics. By the 1960s, the
Orange Peel
was rated one of the top
campus publications in the country.
This admiration was not shared by
the administration — the magazine was suspended
in 1963 and afterward made just a few appearances as an off-campus